1. Productive 

.NET helps you develop high quality applications faster. Modern language constructs like generics, Language Integrated Query (LINQ), and asynchronous programming make developers productive.
Combined with the extensive class libraries, common APIs, multi-language support, and the powerful tooling provided by the Visual Studio family, .NET is the most productive platform for developers.

2. Any app, Any platform 

With .NET you can target any application type running on any platform. Developers can reuse skills and code across all of them in a familiar environment.

From mobile applications running on iOS, Android and Windows, to Enterprise server applications running on Windows
Server and Linux, or high-scale micro-services running in the cloud, .NET provides a solution for you. 

3. Performance where it matters

In the TechEmpower benchmarks, .NET processed 6.97 million requests per second, Java Servlet processed 2.55 million, and Node.js processed 0.83 million.

NET is fast. Really fast! That means applications provide better response times and require less compute power. StackOverflow serves 5.3M page views a day on just 9 servers.
The popular TechEmpower benchmark compares web application frameworks with tasks like JSON serialization, database access, and server side template rendering - .NET performs faster than any other popular framework.

4. Trusted and secure

.NET provides you with immediate security benefits via its managed run time. A collection of services prevent critical issues like bad pointer manipulation or malicious attempts to alter compiled code. Microsoft takes security very seriously and releases updates quickly when threats are discovered

5. Large ecosystem

Leverage the large .NET ecosystem by incorporating libraries from the NuGet package manager, our extensive partner network, and the Visual Studio Marketplace. Find answers to technical challenges from the community, our MVPs, and our large support organization.

6. Open source

 The .NET Foundation is an independent non-profit supporting the innovative, commercially-friendly, open source .NET ecosystem. Over 60,000 developers from over 3,700 companies outside of Microsoft are contributing to .NET open source.
In addition to the community and Microsoft, Technical Steering Group members, Google, JetBrains, Red Hat, Samsung and Unity are guiding the future of the .NET platform.