Simple way to use Power BI


This is the second article of Power BI. 

In-case you missed out to read the introduction portion of Power BI - here it is.

Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights

Microsoft Power BI is to create a report in Power BI Desktop, publish it to the Power BI service, and then share it with others, so that they can view it in the service or on a mobile app. 

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But because some people begin in the Power BI service, let's take a quick look at that first, and learn about an easy and popular way to quickly create visuals in Power BI: apps

An app is a collection of preset, ready-made visuals and reports that are shared with an entire organization. 

Using an app is like microwaving a TV dinner or ordering a fast-food value meal.

You just have to press a few buttons or make a few comments, and you're quickly served a collection of entrees designed to go together, all presented in a tidy, ready-to-consume package.

So, let's see in detail,

But before proceed it is good to know a piece of info building blocks of Power BI - here 

Take a quick look at apps, the service, and how it works. We'll go into more detail about apps (and the service) in upcoming modules, but you can think of this as a taste to what your appetite.

Create out-of-box dashboards with cloud services  

With Power BI, connecting to data is easy. From the Power BI service, you can just select the Get Data button in the lower-left corner of the home page. 

Power BI dashboards

The canvas (the area in the center of the Power BI service) shows you the available sources of data in the Power BI service. 

In addition to common data sources likes Microsoft Excel files, database, or Microsoft Azure data, Power BI can just an easily connect to a whole assortment of software services (also called SaaS providers or cloud services) Salesforce, Facebook, Google Analytics and more.

Power BI Get Data

For these software services, the Power BI service provides a collection of ready-made visuals that are pre-arranged on dashboards and reports for your organization.

This collection of visuals is called an app. Apps get you up and running quickly, with data and dashboards that your organization has created for you

For example, when you use the GitHub app, Power BI connects to your GitHub account(after you provide your credentials) and then populates a predefined collection of visuals and dashboards in Power BI.

There are apps for all sorts of online services. The following image shows a page of apps that are available for different online services, in alphabetical order.

This page is shown when you select the Get button in the service box (shown in the previous image). As you can see from the following image, there are many apps to choose from.

Power BI services

For our purposes, we'll choose GitHub. GitHub is an application for online source control.

When you select the Get it now button in the box for the GitHub app, the connect to GitHub dialog box appears.

Note that GitHub does not support Internet Explorer, so make sure you are working in another browser.

The GitHub app

After you enter the information and credentials for the GitHub app, installation of the app begins.

Import data

After the data is loaded, the predefined GitHub app dashboard appears.

Power BI app loaded

In addition to the app dashboard, the report that was generated (as part of the GitHub app) and used to create the dashboard is available, as the dataset (the collection of data pulled from GitHub) that was created during data import and used to create the GitHub report.

How do you know - when you're able to have all features available based role you play in team. This is how Power BI helps in your role suits.

Power BI navigation

 On the dashboard, you can select any of the visuals and interact with them.

As you do so,

All the other visuals on the page will respond. 

For example, when May 2020 bar is selected in the Pull Requests (by month) visual, the other visuals on the page adjust to reflect that selection.

Power BI navigation 

Update data in Power BI Services

You can also choose to update the dataset for an app, or other data that you use in Power BI.

To set update settings, select the schedule update icon for the dataset to update, and then use the menu that appears.

You can also select the update icon (the circle with an arrow) next to the schedule update icon to update dataset immediately.

Scheduling an update for dashboards

The Dataset tab is selected on the Settings page that appears.

In the right pane,

select the arrow next to Scheduled refresh to expand that section.

The Settings dialog box appears on the canvas, letting you set the update settings that meet you needs.

Scheduling refresh buttons



As to conclude, this article is initial help to get to know step by step guide effectively use Power BI services.

In those days Microsoft Excel played a vital role in business solution provider and it continue to be so, however when Power BI stepped in - the contribution and key features are value added services in business growth tremendously.

Imaging you are thinking to start up a business or already established a business, well suited for Power BI explore to have proven strategy winning product.

Here is the full spec of Power BI topic covered

What is Power BI?

How to use?

What are features and building Blocks?

How do I choose Power BI that suites my role in a team?