How to take MySQL Database backup from command line? 


This article provides you step by step guide practice in application development


If you are a developer or database administrator worked in databases. When working databases you might have taken database between client and server for reuse. These days moving from stand alone database to Cloud based database supporting multi server is very usual these days.

It is important that securing database either in client or server is a huge responsibility of administrator or a developer. 

Why? Because data is the business  

To an extent aside, these are three ways to take database (MySQL) back up.

Method 1: Generate backup using mysqldup utility 

Method 2: Generate backup using Binary Log 

Method 3: Generate backup using  Replication of Slaves 

This article covers not all but the method 1 which is mysqldump utitly.

What is Mysqldump Utility?

This utility helps generating a database backup file in command-line.

It produces the SQL Statements that can be used to recreate database, also be used to generate the output in xml, text, or csv format

Below section may not required if you have  already MySql installed.  

How do I ensure mysqldump utility available?

When you try to execute mysqldump utility in command line, error shown as not recognized.

mysqldump utility not recognized

How to I resolve this?

1. Go here download

2. You download the ZIP archive of your desired version

3. Open ZIP archive and go to "bin" folder

4. You need to extract MYSQLDUMP.EXE 

5. Close the Zip Archive and open MySQl Workbench

6. In MySql Workbench goto to Edit > Preferences > Administration

7. Finally, select the file that you extracted in "Path to mysqldumptool"

Now let get into an action how to use utility.

Mysqldump Command Line

This is the command-line script to execute.

Command Description

In command line > represents backup, whereas < represents restore actions.

-u represents  database user name
-p represents  database password
-h represents host where your database located, is it in localhost or server
[options] you may ignore 
[backup.sql] is the location where you would like to save the file.
mysqldump -u [user] -p [pwd] -h [server] [options] [db_name] > [backup.sql]

Let's take an example 

mysqldump -u root -p -h localhost DemoDB >C:\Pro\MySQL\DB_20201212.sql

If you noticed -h command followed by localhost, that means database is located in localhost, in your case if your database located in different server provide the ip address of server.

When you run above command in command prompt, you need to provide password, as below image

mysqldump backup file


If above command line fails to complete as you may not opened command prompt as Administrator mode, Go to your MySQL installed location

C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin 

location may be different in your case, run the command prompt from here.



So to conclude, this article explains how to take backup of MySQL using mysqldump command line utility, and covers database located in your local or in network server.